Dictionaries Of Languages Of UN
This Directorate has published/is publishing following dictionaries related to UN languages under this scheme :
Hindi Based Dictionary
1) Hindi- Spanish Dictionary
Keeping in view the importance of Hindi in the international arena and to pave its way for recognition as one of the languages of the United Nations the Hindi-Spanish dictionary has been published. The Hindi-Spanish dictionary contains approximately 2500 Hindi words as main entries. The list of words includes basic vocabulary of nearly 2000 words of daily use and 500 words pertaining to International diplomacy. There are four columns which are in the following order: 1. Hindi words as main entries 2. Their grammatical category. 3. Spanish equivalents of Hindi words 4.
Devanagari transliteration of Spanish equivalents.Devanagari transliteration of Spanish words will enable the user to understand the approximate pronunciation of the Spanish words. Price: 83.00, Pages 95
2) Hindi- Arabic Dictionary
Hindi-Arabic dictionary contains approximately 20,000 Hindi words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life and international diplomacy as well. The main characteristics of the dictionary may be summed up as follows: Main entries in Hindi language in Hindi alphabetic order, grammatical categorization of the main entries along-with proximate transliteration of Hindi words in Arabic, synonym/equivalents of Hindi words in Arabic and transliteration of Arabic synonym/equivalents in Devanagari script. The transliteration of Hindi words in Arabic script enables the Hindi knowing readers to understand the nearest pronunciation of the specific word through Arabic phonetics whereas transliteration of Arabic synonym/equivalents in Devanagari script facilitates reader to understand the nearest pronunciation of given Arabic synonym/equivalents. Revised and enlarged edition of this dictionary is under publications.
3) Hindi - Chinese Dictionary:
In the 'Hindi-Chinese Dictionary', nearly 20,000 Hindi words have been compiled as the main entry. Words related to daily use and international diplomacy has been included in this dictionary. Format of the dictionary is as follows:- 1. Main entries of Hindi words 2. Their grammatical category. 3. Translation of main entries in Chinese language 4. Chinese pronunciation of main entries 5. Chinese synonyms of main entries 6. Transliteration of Chinese synonyms/equivalents in devanagri script. Revised and enlarged edition of this dictionary is under preparation.
4) Hindi - French Dictionary:
Hindi-French dictionary contains approximately 20,000 Hindi words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life and international diplomacy as well. The main characteristics of the dictionary may be summed up as follows:- 1. Main entries in Hindi language 2. Grammatical categorization of the main entries 3. Proximate pronunciation of Hindi words in French 4. Synonym/equivalents of Hindi words in French 5. Transliteration of French synonym/equivalents in Devanagari . The transliteration of Hindi words in French script enables the Hindi knowing readers to understand the nearest pronunciation of the specific word through French phonetics whereas transliteration of French synonym/equivalents in Devanagari script facilitates reader to understand the nearest pronunciation of given French synonym/equivalents. Revised and enlarged edition this dictionary is under publication.
5) Consolidated Hindi - U.N. Languages Dictionary:
This dictionary contains approximately 5000 entries in Hindi. There are eight columns in the following order:- 1. Hindi entries in Alphabetic order 2. Their grammatical category 3. English equivalents 4. Then their equivalents in Arabic 5. Chinese 6. French 7. Russian 8. Spanish respectively on the basis of the Hindi alphabetical order of share U.N. Languages equivalents. Price : 755.00, $15.60, £ 11.00, Pages : 546
6) Hindi- Russian Dictionary:
Hindi-Russian dictionary contains approximately 20,000 Hindi words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life and international diplomacy as well. The main characteristics of the dictionary may be summed up as follows:- 1. Main entries in Hindi language 2. Grammatical categorization of the main entries 3. Proximate pronunciation of Hindi words in Russian 4. Synonym/equivalents of Hindi words in Russian and 5. Transliteration of Russian synonym/equivalents in Devanagari script. The transliteration of Hindi words in Russian script enables the Hindi knowing readers to understand the nearest pronunciation of the specific word through Russian phonetics whereas transliteration of Russian synonym/equivalents in Devanagari script facilitates reader to understand the nearest pronunciation of given Russian synonym/equivalents. This dictionary is under publication.
Language Based Dictionary
1) Arabic - Hindi Dictionary:
Arabic-Hindi dictionary contains approximately 5000 Arabic entries. Entries are selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. Format of the dictionary is in the following order:- 1. Original entries in Arabic 2. Their Grammatical Category 3.Devanagari transliteration of Arabic entries and 4. Hindi equivalents of Arabic words. Transliteration of Arabic words in Devanagari script enables the reader to understand the nearest pronunciation of the word. Price: Rs. 650.00, Pages : 258
2) Chinese - Hindi Dictionary:
Chinese Hindi dictionary contains approximately 7000 Chinese entries. Entries are selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. Format of the dictionary is in the following order:- 1. Original entries in Chinese 2. Their Grammatical Category 3.Devanagari transliteration of Chinese entries and 4. Hindi equivalents of Chinese words. Transliteration of Chinese words in Devanagari script will enable thereaderto understand the nearest pronunciation of the specific word. Price : Rs. 680.00, $ 15.00, £ 9.00, Pages : 502
3) French - Hindi Dictionary:
French Hindi dictionary contains approximately 5000 French words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life and international diplomacy as well. Four columns in this dictionary running from right to left are in the following order: 1. French words as main entries 2. Their grammatical category 3. Proximate transliteration of French words in Devanagari 4. Synonym / equivalent of French words in Hindi. The transliteration of French words in devanagari script enables the reader to understand the nearest pronunciation of the specific word through Hindi phonetics. Price : Rs. 750/- , $ 20, £ 10, Pages : 498
4) Russian - Hindi Dictionary:
Russian Hindi dictionary contains approximately 5000 Russian entries. Entries are selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life. Format of the dictionary is in the following order:- 1. Original entries in Russian 2. Their Grammatical Category 3.Devanagari transliteration of Russian entries and 4. Hindi equivalents of Russian words. Transliteration of Russian words in Devanagari script enables thereaderto understand the nearest pronunciation of the word. Price : Rs. 385.00, $8.45, £ 5.40, Pages : 301
5) Spanish - Hindi Dictionary:
Spanish Hindi dictionary contains approximately 7,000 Spanish words as main entries. These words have been selected on the basis of their usage in day-to-day life and international diplomacy as well. The main characteristic of the dictionary may be summed up as follows:- 1. Main entries in Spanish language 2. Grammatical categorization of the main entries 3. Proximate transliteration of Spanish words in Devanagari 4. Synonym/equivalents of Spanish words in Devanagari. The transliteration of Spanish words in Devanagari script enables the reader to understand the nearest pronunciation of the specific word through Hindi phonetics. Price: Rs. 611/- , $ 13.488, £ 9.133, Pages : 325