Brihat Hindi Kosh & Abhinav Hindi Kosh
1. Brihat Hindi Kosh
As we know that Hindi is a lively language and its vocabulary is increasing day by day. Even many comprehensive Dictionaries are published but during the last fifty years many new disciplines in various subjects have emerged and we find these terms are missing in the Dictionaries available at present. Therefore these Dictionaries are incompetent to fulfill the desired demands of modern age. In the present age of globalization and understanding the market value of Hindi internationally, Central Hindi Directorate has decided to launch a new project known as Brihat Hindi Kosh under the special Dictionary plan.
In the Dictionary all the new and common words from mass communication, Medical Sciences, Games, Sports, Biology, Chemistry and Computer Science are included. This will also include standard Pronunciation, grammatical category, some quite popular scientific and technical words and their equivalents, brief definition, Idioms and phrases, their origin etc. This dictionary is going to publish in two volumes.
2. Abhinav Hindi Kosh
Due to ever growing researches and scientific inventions, new dimensions and disciplines in the field of knowledge are developing every day. Hindi is a living language. Hence the reportire of this language a also being enriched in leaps and bounds. Although various Hindi-Hindi Dictionaries are available in the market, they don't seem to cover the whole range of new words and hence not up-to-date. This is the reason why they don't cater to the needs of modern learned readers, especially students. Current words and their usages can't be properly understood due to the lack of an authentic Hindi-Hindi Dictionary. The need, therefore, of an up-to-date Hindi-Hindi Dictionary is self evident. To meet the above purpose, Central Hindi Directorate is working on a special project of Abhinav Hindi Dictionary since January, 2002.
In this Dictionary the terminology pertaining to various subjects being used in the text-books at the secondary & under graduate levels has been compiled. In addition, words which have gained popularity in various Hindi magazines, journals and various branches of knowledge and have been standardized by now are generally not available in other dictionaries, have especially been included in this dictionary with their specific definitions. As such, this dictionary contains a short technical definition or explanation. In order to understand their technical co-relation the English equivalents of most of the words have been provided at the end, along with their synonyms, antonyms etc, if any, and their grammatical categories. There will be about 13 thousand main entries (in all approximately 50 thousand words subject wise) in this Dictionary. Price: Rs. 2,256.00, Pages : 762.
3. Hindi Paribhashik Laghu Kosh
Due to new researches and scientific inventions, new forms and genres are emerging day to day. Since Hindi is a lively language, therefore the glossary of this language is developing continuously. Although various Hindi dictionaries (Hindi–Hindi Kosh) are available in the market today but, they don’t have the words and definitions which are updated and that’s why they don’t cater the needs especially for the students of pre-secondary school level. The current words and their usage cannot be properly understood due to lack of an authentic Hindi - Hindi Kosh which was needed for a longtime at pre- secondary school level. To meet the above purpose, the Central Hindi Directorate initiated to compile a dictionary for the students of pre secondary school level in Sept. 2008 under the scheme of special project.
In this Kosh, the terminology relevant to various subjects used in text books at the pre-secondary school is being compiled. In addition to this, from last 50 years such words (technical and non-technical) which have been standardized and are being used in the text books at the level of the pre-secondary school are being compiled in this Kosh especially so that the students could understand their appropriate meaning and get them acquired. To explain the meanings of words, their semi-technical definitions/meanings are being given especially. Grammatical category, their general meanings, their English equivalents, synonyms and opposites (as per necessity) are also being given This Kosh contains about 10,000 entries approximately. In this way, this Kosh/ Dictionary will be a standard Hindi terminology with new concepts for pre-secondary level students, who specially assist them to understand the clear meaning of the words. Price of this is Dictionary is Rs 306, Page 612
4. Vyutpatti Kosh
The construction of dictionaries is one of the most important schemes of Central Hindi Directorate. Under this scheme, Central Hindi Directorate has started the construction of – A Dictionary of Hindi Etymology in May 2013. The etymology of the words has now been considered a serious matter in the reference of the language. With the construction of this dictionary, the students as well as teachers, translators, language-researchers and educationists will be benefited. This dictionary- A Dictionary of Hindi Etymology will contain the origin of the words, grammatical class, their development and the meanings. In the construction of this dictionary, the services of the non- government and local renowned experts/ scholars are being taken. This dictionary will comprise one lac entries.