Shiksha Puraskar Yojana
Government Of India
Central Hindi Directorate
(Department Of Higher Education)
Ministry Of Human Resource Development
The Scheme of Shiksha Puraskar
The Scheme of Shiksha Puraskar was launched by the Government of India in 1992 for encouraging original writings in Hindi in the field of education. At present there is a provision of five awards of the value of Rupees one lakh each every year.
Under the scheme, excellent and thought provoking books originally written in Hindi by HIndi and non-Hindi-speaking authors in various fields of knowledge such as Education Policy, Method of teaching, Social Sciences, Philosophy, Political Thought, Culture, Communication, Moral Science, Science and Technology, Medical Science, Law, Political Science, Environment and other subjects related to education shall be entertained. Creative literature, text-books, thesis and translated books shall not be considered under the scheme.
Writers from any part of India or publishers on their behalf may submit their books under the scheme. Non-resident Indians or foreign Hindi scholars are also eligible. The Officers and employees of Central Hindi Directorate shall not be eligible. The Officers/ employees of others Ministries/ Offices of Central Government/ State Governments may apply with the prior permission of their Departments.
- Books published during the last 5 years shall only be considered. For example, for the award year 2018 books published between 2013 to 2017 shall only be considered.
- The published books must contain at least 200 pages each.
- The writers awarded once under the scheme shall not be considered again.
- Manuscripts shall not be considered under the scheme.
- The books awarded by Government of India/ undertaking/ institutions under it or by State Governments or professional institutions shall not be considered.
- Books received under the scheme shall not be returned.
- It is mandatory to submit five copies of the book alongwith the application.
- The portion of the book displaying the name of the author and that of the publisher should be removed from three out of 5 copies of the book and must be rebounded before sending to Directorate. The remaining 2 copies should be sent as they are. The applications received incomplete in any form shall not be considered. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
Procedure for inviting entries:-
Under the scheme entries shall be invited by way of advertisement through DAVP (Print Media) to be published in various newspapers of Hindi, English and Regional Languages and also through the (Radio, Television) electronic media. The details of the scheme shall be available on the website of the Directorate. Detailed information about the scheme will be sent to Hindi Granth Academies, Universities and reputed educational institutions (I.I.T., I.I.M. etc.) located in various States. The leading publishers shall also be informed so that a maximum number of quality books may be received under the scheme. In this regard advertisements shall also be published in the magazines being purchased by the Directorate.
Selection Process:-
The selection process shall be finalised in three phases. The Central Hindi Directorate will prepare a comprehensive list of experts of various disciplines. This practice will be helpful in formulation of various committees and maintaining transparency. The members of the committees may also be selected quite apart from this list.
First Phase:-
In the first phase books received for awards shall be scrutinized at a glance. The responsibility for the scrutiny will lie with one ten-number committee. The committee will consist of experts of various disciplines. In case the committee finds that the books received for awards are not of the set standard it can recommend other important books on its own. Such recommended books shall be purchased by the Directorate and considered in the next phase of the selection process. Thus, during the first phase the preliminary list of books for awards will be ready. The Directorate will ask for the applications and declarations through correspondence for such books received from source other than the authors.
Second Phase:-
In the second phase all the books selected by the first phase committee shall be classified subject wise and each of them shall be referred to three scholars of the concerned subject for written evaluation These subject experts shall examine the pros and cons of the books. On the evaluation sheet. On the basis of quality of books, the experts will also award the marks out of 100. The quality of the books shall be adjudged on the basis of the aggregate marks given by all the three experts.
Third Phase:-
The final decision on awards will be taken by a five-member high-level committee constituted for the third phase. This committee will finally select five books for awards on the basis of marks awarded by the second phase experts.
Note:- The members will not be repeated in afore stated three committees.
Declaration of Result:-
The names of awarded books and their authors will be uploaded on the website of CHD.The awarded authors shall also be intimated individually.
Last Date :-
The Application and declaration form on the prescribed proforma alongwith the five copies of the book may be sent to the Director, Central Hindi Directorate, West Block No. 7, R. K. Puram, New Delhi- 110066 within 60 days of the publication of advertisement of every year.
Note:- The format of application and declaration forms are available at Annexures I & II respectively.